February 2024 > March 2025
The national project on pesticide use survey and incidence monitoring aims at enhancing capacity in monitoring pesticide use in the field, identifying those ones that cause severe problems under the local conditions in Malaysia.
the Pesticides and Fertilisers Control Division of the Department of Agriculture Malaysia
July 2022 > February 2023
Field Survey: Collection and Analysis of Data on pesticide poisoning incidents in farming communities in Suriname
Implemented by “Anton de Kom University of Suriname
République du Congo
June 2018 > April 2021
Appui au renforcement des capacités sur l'identification des pesticides sévèrement dangereux et la promotion des alternatives nécessaires
Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health and Population.
Cameroun, Gabon et Guinée équatoriale
May 2018 > September 2020
Programme de renforcement des capacités des pays à identifier et faire le suivi des incidents relatifs aux préparations pesticides extrêmement dangereuses (pped) et hautement dangereux (hhp, highly hazardous pesticides) et promouvoir les alternatives nécessaires aux pped et hhp
Ministries of Agriculture, Environment and Health of the three target countries, African Center for Research on Bananas and Plantains (CARBAP).
Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe
May 2018 > April 2020
Promoting sound pest and pesticide management in Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Ministries of health, agriculture and environment, National research centers and NGOs from each country and the pest and pesticide managament division of FAO (NSPCD)
August 2021 > July 2022
Pesticides risks management on the assessment on the environment in Togo.
Implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture (Environment Department) of Togo.
July 2021 > January 2022
Field Survey: Collection and Analysis of Data on pesticide poisoning incidents in farming communities in Belize.
Implemented by the University of Belize.
November 2020 > July 2021
Strenghting National Capacities fot Notification of Firm Regulatory Measures (MRFs) on banned or restricted products in Argentina: Carbaryl risk assessment.
Faculty of Agronomy Foundation of the University of Buenos Aires, SENASA, National Service of Health and Food Quality.
November 2020 > December 2021
Strengthening of technical capacities within the framework of the Rotterdam Convention - Identification of pesticide poisonings in priority areas of Bolivia.
Pesticides Foundation (PLAGBOL), Ministry of the Environment and Water, the Ministry of Rural Development and the Ministry of Health.
Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago
December 2019 > December 2020
Field Survey: Collection and analysis of data on pesticide poisoning incidents among farmers in Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago.
Implemented by the University of Technology of Jamaica (UTech).
November 2019 > December 2020
Promotion of safer alternatives to Severely Hazardous Pesticides Formulartions (SHPFs) and creation of Organic crops producers Cooperatives for sale as Income Generating Activities IGA in Rwanda.
Ministry of Agriculture, Rwanda Agriculture Boards (RAB) and Rwanda Agricultural and livestock Inspection and Certification Services (RALIS).
November 2019 > December 2020
Description of the use of Severely Hazardous Pesticides Formulation (SHPFs) and occupational exposure in the Lima-Provinces region, Peru, under the Rotterdam Convention.
Implemented by Grupo GEA.
Sri Lanka
September 2019 > December 2020
Incidences Monitoring and occupational exposure study of HHPs and SHPFs among Framers in Sri Lanka.
Implemented by the Department of Agriculture (DOA) within the Ministry of Agriculture.
October 2018 > July 2020
Development of a multi-stakeholder monitoring program on Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) and Severely Hazardous Pesticide Formulations (SHPFs) for the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention.
Implemented by the Department of Agriculture (DOA) within the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Lao PDR.
October 2019 > December 2020
Strengthening national capacities for the notification of final regulatory actions on banned or restricted chemicals and pesticides based on scientific information.
Implemented by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Buenos Aires (UBA)